
The 5 benefit of why warming up is important

The 5 benefit of why warming up is important
A good warm up before swimming is essential to reduce your chances of injury. With swimming It will using almost all the groups of muscles, and it is essential that you will use efficient movements and maintain a low heart rate so that not to the body fatigue. The following 5 tips will lead you to a right routine to make sure your body before swimming.

1. Warming up before swimming can helps the body to deliver oxygen to the exercising muscle groups.

2. Warming up before swimming can increases body temperature, which reduces the chance for muscle and tendon injuries.(www.poqswim.com)

3. A 5 minute warm-up before swimming can increases blood flow to the exercising muscles. A greater level of blood reaching the muscles involved in the activity aids in the delivery of the important fuels (e.g., glucose and free fatty acids) required for energy production.

4. Warming up before swimming can increases the suppleness of the muscle, thereby enhancing the mechanical efficiency and power of the exercising muscles.

5. An appropriate warm-up before swimming can prepares the cardiovascular system for the upcoming (more strenuous) physical activity. Warming up not only can helps to ensure that the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) is given time to adjust to the body’s increased demands for blood and oxygen. But also make you not so tired on swimming.(www.poqswim.com)

